Canlaon is a third class interior city strategically located 9.5 kilometers from the foot of a dominant landmark, Mt. Kanlaon Volcano, which rises in serenity at the north-central part of has no bank, no shopping center, no recreational facilities like movie house, sports, games, parks, although the 3,000-hectare protected area of
FORWARD I (1999-2001) intervention strategy focused on advocacy work directed towards pressuring and pushing the government to deliver the benefits and services due the marginalized rural sectors and peoples, foremost of which was the fast tracking of the implementation of the Philippine government’s Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program or CARP. FORWARD I contributed to the land tenure improvement of the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs). In coordination with the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), NIRD has facilitated the transfer of land ownership of 1,248 hectares of sugarland in Canlaon to 987 agrarian reform beneficiaries, who were then, seasonal farmworkers of these sugar estates.
On the other hand, FORWARD II (2002-2004) intends to continue the BftW-NIRD partnership with the marginalized farmers and farmworkers by forging the gains of FORWARD I and contribute to the development and enhancement of capabilities, knowledge, skills and attitude of productive and enterprising poor. While FORWARD I focused on the ARBs as partners, FORWARD II goes beyond the ARBs’ concerns by engaging their communities; working with the partners at the household level geared towards empowerment.